To be a good steward...that is the key. On Tuesday (Freedom day) I had plenty of time to think about Bosnia and getting things organised (I love public holidays!!) I was specifically thinking about preparation - not only financial but spiritual, emotional, language studies, to seek God's will for my time in BiH etc.etc. I made a list of things to do.
Regarding language, I've decided to work through two pages of my "Serbo-Croat" language study book (“Teach yourself Serbo Croat”) every day and also read a page in my Bosnian New Testament Bible (starting with the book of Acts). I've also been working on a little index book with different topics such as anxiety, faith, obedience...writing 2-3 Bosnian Bible verses per topic. I got the idea for this from an assignment we had to do for Counselling last year in Bible School. We had to make a booklet for counselling sessions. It's a very handy tool to have and doing it in Bosnian has helped a great deal in brushing up my Bosnian vocabulary. There is so much to learn, but at least by taking these small steps, I will improve and it will be a great help once I'm in BiH.
Regarding spiritual, one thing I know is that a strong walk with God is crucial for the work of the ministry...and for everyday life!!! When pressure is on and you’re out of your comfort zone, Jesus is the only One that can help, restore and give you strength to move forward. What I need to do is “abide in the Vine” and allow His life to flow in and through me. I cannot do anything out of my own strength – it is Christ in me, the hope of glory!
This week in home cell we were talking about the power of association. It is so good to have people around you that will encourage, stretch and strengthen you in your walk with God and life in general. Thinking about this, I realised how God has strategically brought two people over my path that are going through a similar faith journey as I am regarding mission work. My one friend will be going to Tanzania in May and another friend to Spain next year. As they say, two are better than one...and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. (Eccl.4:9; 12) When one of us is discouraged, it’s great to have the others there to encourage and say: Keep on trusting God! He will come through for you!
Well, as another week lies ahead – let’s keep our eyes on Jesus and do our part in being a good steward over that which He has entrusted to us.
L xx
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