Wednesday, May 5, 2010

BiH 2002

Here are a few pics from 2002. The group photo infront of the waterfall was taken in beautiful Jajce. Team members: Anton (team leader), Hattingh, Eugene, Heibrie, Erica, Elana and me.

We enjoyed playing games like "aroechicha" with the kids..."Hands up, wrists together...aaaaaroechicha,aroechicha,aroechicha cha cha aha!"

Dina (the lady between me and the car) is the pastor of the small Evangelical Church in Jajce. Her brother Budo (infront) and his wife plus another two Novimost workers will be joining Dina in autumn (our spring) to establish the third Novimost location in BiH. Hope to visit them in Jajce!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura,

    It looks cosy in the tent. Now I feel sleepy and must go and rest! :-)
