Monday, October 18, 2010

In Mostar..

Now that's a picture you don't see everyday! A Roman Catholic tower and mosque minaret in the same skyline. Here in Mostar I stay very close to the border of the West and East side (West being Croat(R.Catholic) and East being Bosnian Muslim). That's why the mosque and church are so close to each other. It's really interesting to hear the Muslim "call to prayer" and the church bells everyday. Usually you only hear one or the other...depending on where you stay in the city as the distinction between West and East is very clear. Even in the buildings you can see the difference. Allot of restoration has been done all over the city, but it seems to be more prevalent on the West side. first cappucino in Mostar! :-) Myself and team members Senada and Karin went for coffee last week after team meeting. I am soooo happy to be part of the team in Mostar! :-) I've only been here 8 days but I allready feel at home! The team feels like family...I really love these guys! I am soooo excited for the year that lies ahead!

Please pray for me and also the Leese family as we "tackle" the language studies. There are so much to learn...but God's grace is sufficient! :-)

The weather has started to change as winter draws near. My friends here in Mostar were telling me about the cold winter wind. I think they call it the "Bura". They say it doesn't matter what jacket you've got even gets through the zip - it is REALLY cold! Will have to wait and see!

Well, take care!

Tvoja prijatelica (your friend),

Laura xx

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