Friday, June 4, 2010

To be the change

Last weekend I attended my church's annual women's conference. It was titled "Legacy" and oh how inspiring it was! I've also been reading Joyce Meyer's book the "Love Revolution" and more than ever I've been challenged and inspired to 'be the change'. I want my life to make a leave a legacy of be someone who goes out of their way to be a blessing and help others in whatever way be a world changer. We might not be able to help every single person on the earth...but the few we do help will make all the difference. With Bosnia coming up, I pray that my life will make a difference in the hearts and lives of precious Bosnians who will in turn make a change in other Bosnians who will in turn make a change in other Bosnians...with a ripple effect that will continue for generations to come! In one of the workshops at conference, a pastor said that there was a statistic which stated that an introvert influences 10000 people in their lifetime. Now if an introvert influences that many people, how much more will our lives empowered by the Holy Spirit influence and touch other lives!!!!

For all my friends in JHB, I'll be speaking on the 25th of June at a big homecell gathering at Rhema Church Randburg sharing my vision and dream for Bosnia. Initially I was planning to have a "Bosnian Evening" on that night, but as it worked out (trying to arrange the venue) my homecell leader suggested we iclude it with the homecell gathering for more people to find out about BiH and get involved. I still want to have a proper Bosnian "party" which I will have at my house in July. Will keep you posted with details of the events.

Prayer Points & Praise reports:

* I thank God for feedback from the Bosnian Embassy in London! According to a contact there, I'll be able to start the visa application via email before September and hopefully that will speed things up once in London so that I'll be able to go to Bosnia in the beginning of October allready!

* Praise God for a customer at work who contacted me regarding extra voyager miles that a friend of his have which I might be able to use for the airplane ticket from London to Sarajevo!

* Please continue to pray for the Lord's guidance regarding preparation for my time in BiH,favour with regards to sponsorships & visa applications, that I will run and not grow weary...

God has an amazing plan for each one of our lives. Let us hold on to Him and His Word and run the race set before us with endurance and determination. Let's not focus on self and our own conveniences...but let's be bold, step out and BE THE CHANGE in the world!

With Love,


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