Sunday, April 25, 2010

Train ride to Sarajevo..

On our last day in BiH 2005, we took a train ride to Sarajevo. Half way through we had to climb over on a bus, but the trip was definitely worth it! We took a walk through the old part of town and visited friends for "kava". We had a ride on a tram and past the Holiday Inn which you can see in the movie "Welcome to Sarajevo"(many reporters and news crews stayed there during the war and captured footage which was shown all over the world). Sarajevo hosted the winter olympics in 1984 and it's also the capital of Bosnia i Herzegovina. We ended our trip with some "sladoled"...icecream - who can resist! Looking forward to seeing Sarajevo again!


  1. Very interesting. The ice-cream cone in the last photo is exceptionally small. How many did you enjoy? :-)

  2. Ha,ha! With the heat in BiH, one needs to be quick when it comes to eating icecream - otherwise you'll end up having it all over your hands! Regarding quantity..hmm, should I disclose?? ;-)At least I can say it was very cheap..0,5mark for 1 scoop which is about R2,50. We use to buy two scoops at a time and enjoyed trying out the different flavours...yummie!

  3. Maybe I must go and buy myself an icecream now. But I like to eat it slowly! Enjoy the day ! :-)
